25 October 2010

Ribs bruised, belly sore

Not really, but it feels like someone has been pummelling me in the upper belly region.  I guess I had an upper ab workout Friday night.

I wasn't feeling particularly great but took the Bumble Bean to the Therapy Pool at the Malden YMCA since it has a ramp so you can walk in.  One of my goals for the winter is to get the Bumble Bean over his fear of water on his face and hopefully start him on actually swimming.  I suspect he will take to it like a fish once he gets started. 

So we got there and it took 25 minutes to get through the registration process.  He was very good and patient and only reminded me every 30 seconds or so that there was water on the other side of the glass and that we were going on a swimming adventure.  Once we finally got in, of course, he wouldn't go near the water.  So I had to be over-the-top silly to coax him in the water.  When he finally consented to go in, we did everything and kept doing everything for an hour and a half.  He kicked around while I held him, he waded up to his chin, he jumped off all of the walls to test the various depths (I caught him of course which is why my belly hurts.)  There was a little girl there who was six years old and came up to the Bean's shoulder.

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