28 October 2010

Adventures at the Boston Public Library

I had to use the bathroom at the Boston Public Library today.  It was rather like one of those normal sort of weird dreams you have in which you suddenly realize even though it is a dream YOU ARE ACTUALLY PEEING!!! and it turns into a nightmare that you jerk yourself awake from and rush to the bathroom hoping you haven't actually wet the bed.  It was just like that except I didn't wake up and I was (as far as I know) actually sitting on the toilet and not just dreaming it.

It had the makings of a very nice bathroom but smelled horribly of old urine and had poo crusted onto the seats.  Also, all of the handles of things were sticky.

I also found out today that the "Main Entrance" of the BPL is not the imposing facade with granite steps and sculpture facing Copley Square.  The "Main Entrance" is actually a mundane and pedestrian wall of glass doors on Boylston Street.  Disappointing.

I was criticized by the Book Delivery people for having full bibliographic information on my request.  That actually made me more sad than the bathrooms or the entrance.

I also had to duck quickly behind a column to avoid the gaze of Mr. Bobble-hat, one of our public patrons who was escorted from the law library due to having a false ID.  It turned out later that he was a nude model for the art department.  I have no pictures of him in his bobble-hat so you can be spared the horrible image that the idea of him posing nude inflicts on your inner eyes.

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