06 October 2010

The Cat Apprentice

This will probably end up being a book written by Artemis Winter.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I was born.  I don't remember it very well for it was very long ago.  I am four now.

All my life I have lived in a house full of stairs and mysteries.  There are lots of places to go that just end and lots of places that are just there to go through.  Outside the house is a world of sidewalks and curbings, long narrow rivers and puddles... lots of puddles.  I am a great destroyer of puddles.

I live with 2 cats who teach me things (sometimes I teach them things) and a Mommy and a Daddy.  The Mommy and Daddy belong to me.  They love me and take care of me.  I belong to the cats.  I love them and learn from from them; I keep them entertained.  They are teaching me the "way."

The way to always be in the way.  The way to be unhelpful.  The way to suddenly change direction and dart across some one's path.  The way to stand in a pile of sweepings.  The way to come between someone and their book.  I am learning well.  I am a cat apprentice.  Soon I will learn to take on dogs.

What the cats don't know, the thing that is my secret power: I am a great Destroyer of Puddles.

Tomorrow I will be a dinosaur and his side-kick the smoky-voiced cow.

The End

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