19 October 2010

Out of charity with the 4 legged fiends

I just stepped in a pile of cat vomit.

Yesterday I took the Ding Kitty to the vet because she has been grooming her hair away.  I was imagining that she had swallowed a string and it was tangling and tying up her intestines and causing her to rot slowly from the inside.  The discomfort of this was causing her to lick away the hair from the outside. 

It turns out she has fleas (which means that Berg has fleas) which means she will probably develop tapeworms (which means that Berg will develop tape worms).  She was overdue for her rabies and distemper shots (which means that Berg is overdue for his rabies and distemper shots).

So, $500 later, I step in a pile of cat vomit.

1 comment:

  1. That's 500 well-spent, my friend. You are a good, responsible pet owner. (and I'm glad Ding is OK!)
