02 September 2010

Co-sleeping = World Championship Wrestling

The Bumble Bean was in rare form last night.  He fell unconscious horizontally across the bed, which is not unusual, but shortly after two in the morning he sat bolt upright, scanned the bed topography and whumpled to me.  He had to climb over the herd of pillows that I routinely sleep with, but climb he did until he was wedged between me and the slumbering beasts.  Then he started hurling them over one another until he had enough to room to start what turned out to be a monumental sparring experiment. 

He tried the heart-to-heart snuggle in every possible arm and leg configuration.  He rolled over and tried the spoon snuggle in every possible and some impossible arm and leg positions.  He tried various drape-over-mommy snuggles across my side, then rolled me onto my back and tried the various drapes across my tummy.  He rolled me the rest of the way over and went back to the heart-to-heart, both of us on our other sides.  Finally, after several hours, he settled into the ball-snuggle, nestled in my arms with his knees tucked up into my tummy, my thighs under his feet, my knees supporting his bottom, wrapped around the little Bean with my heart.

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