17 March 2012

Losing it again, but I don't care

I have again lost a piece of writing that I had scrawled on a random piece of paper.  It was about either the Bumble Bean or Artemis Winter as a cat apprentice.  I need it to complete the Early Adventures portion of the Artemis Winter book.  I will attempt to recreate it unless someone can tell me where I put it.  I have three more chapters to write: Artemis Winter writes a book, Artemis Winter decides to be happy, Artemis Winter's mom gets fed up and changes his life.

The reason I don't particularly care is very much the continued existence of the Bumble Bean and his infinite silliness.  I was gone from Sunday through Wednesday night at a Library conference in Albany, NY. It was beautiful in Albany and beautiful in Boston, but I was not in Boston with the Bumble Bean to enjoy the beauty.  So we made up for it.

On Thursday, we blew bubbles, we made pancakes, we met a new person, we made tortillas, we went swimming, we took a bath (actually he took the bath, with his little planets and when it came time to get out, he put them all in the drain so they could swirl around with the outgoing water and said, "look Mommy, it's the Milky Way." 

On Friday, we went to dance class, he danced by himself, he danced with his teacher, he danced with me.  Much silliness ensued.  As we left dance class in the rain, the Bumble Bean decided that he needed my shoes so that he could walk them across the street.  So there I was in my socks, cold wetness seeping in, and the Bumble Bean crouched in the cross walk, walking my shoes, one after the other, clomp, clomp across the street.  He was very pleased with himself, so we went home.

He becomes more fun every day.  Today is Saturday.  I am at work, not having fun with Mr. Bumble.

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