There are quite a few things in cooking in which you simply can't take short cuts if you are interested in a particular outcome. Eggs over easy with a runny yolk but no snotty white MUST be cooked over low heat with some kind of fat (I prefer butter.) Bacon to be crispy all the way through but not burnt must be cooked over medium to low heat and turned frequently once it starts to crisp.
Just now, as I was making my bacon and patiently waiting for it to be what I wanted it to be, I picked up the juggling book that I bought in early January and started reading the introductory matter. It went through the original edition from 1979, the encyclopedic edition, the current edition and then mentioned that if you started to have mystical experiences with your juggling you can always pick up The Zen of Juggling and delve deeper into this amazing art. At this point I had to put it down due to the frequent turning of my bacon, but I kept thinking and what I thought was, "wow, people are amazing! They can find depth of meaning in anything." Followed immediately by, "wow, you can make money with pretty much any sort of nonsense!"
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