17 November 2010

Still trying to define the question

Still working on ways to be independently wealthy.  Still trying to arrange the Bumble Bean's social life.  Still running into my own inertia.  Why?  I know what I want.  I know why I want it.  It's unbelievably valuable to me.  Is it hibernation kicking in? Is it some deep-seated depression?  Tomorrow is the 24th anniversary of my Dad's death.  Last month was the 16th anniversary of my Mom's.  I don't seem to feel sad about that.  The more I hear about the difficulties my peers are having with their parents, the more I feel it was a blessing (disguised at the time).  On the other hand, January 10th marks the 10th anniversary of the Horrible Bitch Woman's death and I may actually celebrate.  Actually, it's a Monday so I probably won't.  Just a glass of wine or two.

So what's my question?  What's my problem?  Why am I antsy and irritable and cranky?  Why do I feel like my skin is too small?  Am I just impatient?  Then why is that not motivating me do something about it?  When I talk to people about this, about this apparent hard-wired or conditioned malaise of the middle-class mind, they tend to become immediately defensive.  And not just people I consider moon-fodder or small-minded or Taoistically asleep.  My sentence structure is going to hell but I'm not going to fix it.

Why can't I finish the Artemis Winter Story?  I went to the beach with the Magical Starfish on Sunday and she said it was just getting harder with age and I countered with "no, there's just more baggage we're dragging around," but I wonder if she wasn't right.  Is it getting harder?  Or are we just more tired so it seems harder?  Is that the same thing?  The octopus is done.  Why can't I use 5 minutes to finish the fish?  Or 10 minutes to finish the frog?  Is it because everything is so disorganized and crazy that I can't be sure anything will work or be findable once I do take the time to start it?  Do I just have a bad attitude?

Oh well.  A great deal of complaining without accomplishing much.  Perhaps it will clear space to do some non-circular work now.

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