Blogger dot com sucks when it comes to my spelling needs. Couldn't find cephalopod at all. Mind you, I had it very misspelled to start, but once I corrected it, this spell check insisted that I wanted sloped or scalloped or scalped. Is scalped really a more popular concept than octopi and squid? I suppose it is the scalping of tickets and not the forcible removal of the forelock with a tomahawk.
The liquor store that revels in having fun sayings on its sign as you drive north on 28 had its usual "Holidays mean family, we sell liquor" sign up until a few days ago when they replaced it with "and now without the octopus." I don't know what it means and I didn't notice until I walked out so I could ask (and yes I would have) but it reminded me that I have a new design idea for the Octopus Obsession and possibly the Magical Starfish. Also that I am without the squid that took up residence below my belly button. Maybe it was the swimming? Maybe I am not ready to relinquish swimming to the Big Bad and the Bumble Beans between them?
I should really get on with the next step of my toymaking career, but I think I need to rest a little first.
And possibly clean the house. It needs it and so do I.